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15.06.2022, 18:30-15.06.2022, 20:30

Book presentation: Cécile Vogt - pioneer of brain research!

Cécile Vogt – Pionierin der Hirnforschung! (book jacket)
Cécile Vogt – Pionierin der Hirnforschung! (book jacket)

Book presentation

Birgit Kofler-Bettschart
Cécile Vogt - pioneer of brain research!

The first biography of the pioneer of modern brain research.

"This book will focus on Cécile Vogt: as a progressive woman, as a pioneer and innovative researcher, as a trailblazer of women's careers in neuroscience, as a political mind and independent thinker, as a tolerant, self-confident, and loyal partner, and as a mother, and as an organizer of households and scientific institutes." Birgit Kofler-Bettschart

Welcome: Dr. Ulrich Scheller, CEO, Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH
Moderation/in conversation with the author: Prof. Dr. Helmut Kettenmann, MDC

19.30 h Get Together with wine and cheese

There will be an opportunity to visit the Museum for the History of Science (in the Oskar-und-Cécile-Vogt-Haus).

Free admission. An event in partnership with Ueberreuter Verlag.


Campus Berlin-Buch - Mensa
Robert-Rössle-Strasse 10
13125 Berlin

Campus Berlin-Buch
